In 2014, more than half of the TaxAssist network of franchisees and their staff took the opportunity to invest in the business by buying shares. In 2022, TaxAssist Direct Group Directors Karl Sandall and Phil Sullivan moved from Executive Director positions to new Non-Executive Director roles and sold a large percentage of their shares. The bulk of these offered shares were acquired by franchisees and as a result, TaxAssist franchisees now own almost 60% of The TaxAssist Direct Group Ltd. Over 170 franchisees are now investors in the company, alongside over 40 members of support staff.

As part of the original 2014 buyout a unique internal share market was created, accessed via a web based Share Site which all franchisees have access to. This allows all shareholders to:

  • Trade shares
  • Access company accounting information
  • Read the annual Shareholders Report
  • Access the group strategic plan

The Share Site is regularly upgraded and is actively used by all franchisee shareholders and those eligible to hold shares.

This unique structure ensures that franchisees are completely engaged with the strategic vision of the business and, as shareholders, they have total transparency in everything the franchisor does. Franchisee representation on the Board of Directors provides the network with direct input at the highest level, contributing to the overall direction and development of The TaxAssist Group.

All TaxAssist Accountants franchisees, Master Franchisees, Area Representatives, country managers and support staff are eligible to purchase shares in The TaxAssist Group business.

New franchisees across all our markets we operate in have the opportunity to not only join a successful franchise network, but also to buy a stake in the business.

With a detailed plan for the growth and evolution of the TaxAssist brand, plus the addition of new products and services, these are exciting times for the TaxAssist network.

Daren Moore, Group Chief Executive Officer

Franchisee Case Studies

Accreditations & ethics

The Group abides by the ethics of the British Franchise Association (bfa) and works closely with all relevant accountancy and tax professional bodies and institutions. TaxAssist Accountants is also a member of the Irish Franchise Association and the Franchise Council of Australia (FCA). In 2024, The TaxAssist Group earned Great Place To Work Certification, a prestigious award based entirely on what current employees say about their experience of working at The TaxAssist Group.

BFA Full member logo Irish Franchise Association Logo FCA member Logo Great Place To Work Certification Badge